Thursday Run

SUE’S CANVEY RUN 5.5 MILES To Canvey and turn left onto FP (Wintergardens Path) next to recycling centre. Cross over main rd (Somnes Ave) continue on to FP other side until it comes out on [...]

Track Session


Tuesday Efforts

1, DUNCAN AND NICK TRACK Mile Time Trial and Relays with Ian 2, JAMES – TRACK 3 mins, 2 x 4 mins, 2 x 6 mins, 2 x 4 mins, 3 mins all with 2 [...]

Thursday Run

1, ROUND THE CASTLE 7 MILES School Lane / lower gravel path/ past castle / up slope returning to castle / through castle / Castle Lane / Sea View Terrace / footpath to Mountain Bike [...]

Track Session

Track Session at Waterside 9.00 am - 10.00 am

Tuesday Efforts

1, DUNCAN AND NICK 7 x 2 min efforts with variable recovery Fleet Road 2, JAMES Track Mile Race 7.00 pm 3, IAN - Short steady run followed by a mini fartlek sesison 4, BOBBY’S [...]