9 BRC runners competed in he Manchester Marathon with some fantastic times achieved by all. 1st home for BRC was Nick Rankin in 2.53 and a brilliant 6th in his age category, also breaking 3 hours was Keith Luxon in 2.56 and 17th in his age category and then in 3.27 was Steve Kjar in one of his shorter runs! Mo Shofiuzzaman was next followed by Trevor Mickleburgh, Andrew Watson and Mark Cowan
1st lady home for BRC at Manchester was Hannah Watson in what I believe was her 1st marathon in an impressive 3.33 and the 286th women out of 4300, she was followed by Isla Sinclair in 3.53.
At Brighton we had 2 Benfleet runners Duncan Holland who with a time of 4.26 achieved a massive 7 minute PB and Susanna Stidson in 5.39
Last but not least we had a few travellers who made the trip to run in the Paris Marathon which has 47,000 runners,1st in his 2nd marathon for the month was Keith Luxon in 3hrs, then Dan Lyons managed a 4.23 and was Laura Williams finished in 4.30