Benfleet Grand Prix, Road Series: #4 Southend 10km


4 events down, 2 events to go in the Benfleet Road Grand Prix Series. Things are hotting up!

Check out the scores from the fourth 2024 Benfleet Grand Prix Road event, below, and visit the main Grand Prix Page for league overview.

NameTimePlaceTotal no. RunnersScoreGender
Joshua Sweeney0:35:3410136499.3M
Ray Towey0:35:4513136499.0M
James Arnold0:37:1521136498.5M
Felix Shaw0:39:2147136496.6M
Nicholas Rankin0:39:2449136496.4M
Emma Jeffery0:43:56167136487.8F
Alan Clark0:45:10188136486.2M
James Webb0:51:41486136464.4M
Nicola Evans0:54:47611136455.2F
Trevor Mickleburgh0:54:35691136449.3M
Lee Allen0:57:45821136439.8M
Annette Johnson1:01:06923136432.3F
Deborah Clark1:01:06924136432.3F
Susan Horton1:01:23955136430.0F
Ben Souster1:03:461038136423.9M
Gemma Dawkins1:05:561110136418.6F
Tracey Jones1:06:491121136417.8F
Laura McDermott1:07:591146136416.0F
John Chaffin1:32:11135613640.6M
Lynda Crisp1:32:58135713640.5F
John Crisp1:42:53136213640.1M

Full results here:

A reminder of the scoring methodology can be found here: 

*if you notice any inaccuracies, please get in touch.